Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Running slow

"Not running slow enough on easy days is probably the number one error runners make" -Greg McMillan

Boy did I learn this the hard way. I was aiming for a 9:25 pace for my second half marathon coming up this Saturday and after weeks of training I am thinking I will be at a 10 mile pace. I am okay with this, but argh, I was aiming for a goal of under 2 hours.

The reason I believe I didn't hit my target pace is because I ran too hard on my easy days. I would always go by what I felt that day.....wrong! I've learned and researched that it's important to always ask yourself "what is the goal of this run?" is it speed, is it long, is it an easy run ? And then to stick within your pace time.

So how do you find your pace time? One pace calculator I really like is by Greg McMillian

The idea with the running calculator is to plug in the time you can run the fastest at your 5k or other set distance which then calculates what you can run for a half or another races. I found it very helpful in planning out my second half marathon but next time I plan on sticking to the PLAN!

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